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Examples for using our Address

You will find some examples below in order to help you filling in the delivery data of the order in the online store in the right way.

Example: German Onlineshop

Fill in the address of our warehouse in Kiefersfelden as delivery address. You will find the address here.
Caution: Please fill in your own name in the field „Name". We can therefore relate the parcel to you.


delivery address:
amazon-de adresse

ordering overview:
amazon-de uebersicht


Nummer-1 Fill in the address of our warehouse in Kiefersfelden as delivery address. You can find the address here.
Caution: Please fill in your own name in the field „Name". We can therefore relate the parcel to you.


Fill in your home address in Greece as invoice address. So the invoice will be issued to your name (important for warranty claims!)
Caution: If delivery address changes, some online shops will automatically change the invoice address too. Please check therefore the invoice address again!


Example: UK Onlineshop


delivery address:
amazon-en adresse

ordering overview:
amazon-en uebersicht


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